RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue. These 5mm units have six pins - Cathode is the longest pin. Two pins for Blue, two for Red and Green and two common cathodes. Use this one LED for three status indicators or pulse width modulate all three and get mixed colors! These LEDs are diffused; so they'll appear dimmer, but have a wider viewing angle.
- ø 5 mm
- Clear material
- LED gives Red, Green and Blue light
- Works great for indicator lights (not for ambient lighting)
- Forward Voltage (R,G,B): (2.0, 3.2, 3.2)V
- Luminosity (RGB): (25, 20, 30)mcd
- Wavelength (RGB): (625, 520, 467,5)nm
- Dispersion 10-20°
- Current 20 mA